Former Members

Dr. rer. nat. Christopher Kuenneth
Postdoctoral and Alexander von Humboldt fellow
Postdoctoral and Alexander von Humboldt fellow

Dr. Rohit Batra
Postdoctoral fellow
Presently at: Argonne National Laboratory
<!--Research interest: Data-driven methods to accelerate first-principles computations for materials discovery and design Proposal document and Presentation -->
Postdoctoral fellow
Presently at: Argonne National Laboratory
<!--Research interest: Data-driven methods to accelerate first-principles computations for materials discovery and design Proposal document and Presentation -->

Dr. Arun Kumar Mannodi Kanakkithodi
Graduated: May 2017Presently at: Argonne National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "Rational Design of Polymer Dielectrics: An Application of Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning" Current status: Postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory Proposal document and Presentation
Graduated: May 2017Presently at: Argonne National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "Rational Design of Polymer Dielectrics: An Application of Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning" Current status: Postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory Proposal document and Presentation

Dr. Venkatesh Botu
Graduated: May 2016Presently at: Corning Incorporated
Doctoral Thesis: "Surface Chemistry with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics" Current status: Senior Research Scientist at Corning Incorporated Proposal document
Graduated: May 2016Presently at: Corning Incorporated
Doctoral Thesis: "Surface Chemistry with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics" Current status: Senior Research Scientist at Corning Incorporated Proposal document

Dr. Hom Sharma
Graduated: May 2015Presently at: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "Investigation of Diesel Engine Emissions Oxidation and Sulfation Mechanisms" Current status: Research Scientist, Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Proposal document
Graduated: May 2015Presently at: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "Investigation of Diesel Engine Emissions Oxidation and Sulfation Mechanisms" Current status: Research Scientist, Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Proposal document

Dr. ChenChen Wang
Graduated: January 2015Presently at:
Doctoral Thesis: "Polymer dielectrics design using first principles computations and machine learning" Proposal document and PhD Defense
Graduated: January 2015Presently at:
Doctoral Thesis: "Polymer dielectrics design using first principles computations and machine learning" Proposal document and PhD Defense

Dr. Yenny P. Cardona Quintero
Graduated: August 2014
<!-- Doctoral Thesis: "Self-assembled Monolayers on Surfaces and at Interfaces" Proposal document -->
Graduated: August 2014
<!-- Doctoral Thesis: "Self-assembled Monolayers on Surfaces and at Interfaces" Proposal document -->

Dr. Ghanshyam Pilania
Graduated: March 2012Presently at: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "First Principles Studies of ABO3 Perovskite Surfaces and Nanostructures" Current status: Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory Proposal document
Graduated: March 2012Presently at: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Doctoral Thesis: "First Principles Studies of ABO3 Perovskite Surfaces and Nanostructures" Current status: Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory Proposal document

Dr. Hong Zhu
Graduated: April 2012Presently at: UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Doctoral Thesis: "First principles studies of HfO2-based gate stacks" Current status: Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute Proposal document
Graduated: April 2012Presently at: UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Doctoral Thesis: "First principles studies of HfO2-based gate stacks" Current status: Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, UM-SJTU Joint Institute Proposal document

Dr. Chunguang Tang
Graduated: September 2009<br>Presently at: University of New South Wales
<!-- Doctoral Thesis: "First principles studies of point defects in HfO2 and Si-HfO2 interfaces" Current status: University of New South Wales Proposal document -->
Graduated: September 2009<br>Presently at: University of New South Wales
<!-- Doctoral Thesis: "First principles studies of point defects in HfO2 and Si-HfO2 interfaces" Current status: University of New South Wales Proposal document -->

Dr. Ning Shi
Graduated: December 2007Presently at: Seagate Technology
Doctoral Thesis: "Properties of nanoscale dielectrics from first principles computations" Current status: Seagate Technology Proposal document
Graduated: December 2007Presently at: Seagate Technology
Doctoral Thesis: "Properties of nanoscale dielectrics from first principles computations" Current status: Seagate Technology Proposal document